Observed size spectra
In this tutorial you will take observational data and plot the resulting size spectra for the community and for individual species. This will give you a concrete understanding of what size spectra are. There are various different ways of how size spectra can be represented, and this is a common source of confusion. Hence this tutorial is quite long, so let us start by giving a summary. We’ll then repeat the summary at the end of the tutorial by which time the points in the summary will hopefully make perfect sense to you.
1) It is very useful to know how many organisms of different sizes there are. This is what size spectra show.
2) We can represent size spectra in different ways. One is to bin the data and plot histograms. The drawback is that the height of the bars in a histogram depend on our choice of bins. A bin from 1 to 2g will have fewer individuals than a bin from 1 to 10g.
3) To avoid the dependence on bin sizes, we use densities, where the total number of individuals or the total biomass of individuals in each bin are divided by the width of the bin. We refer to these as the number density or the biomass density respectively.
3) The number density looks very different from the biomass density. There will be a lot of very small individuals, so the number density at small sizes will be large, but each individual weighs little, so their total biomass will not be large.
5) Community size spectra are approximately power laws. When displayed on log-log axes, they look like straight lines. The slope of the number density is approximately -2, the slope of the biomass density is approximately -1.
6) When we work with a logarithmic weight axis, then it is natural to use densities in log weight, where the numbers of individuals in each bin are divided by the width of the bin on the log axis. We refer to these as the number density in log weight or the biomass density in log weight respectively. The slope of the number density in log weight is approximately -1 and the slope of the biomass density in log weight is approximately 0, i.e., the biomass density in log weight is approximately constant. The latter is called the Sheldon spectrum.
7) Unlike the community spectrum, the individual species size spectra are not approximately power laws and thus do not look like straight lines on log-log axes. The approximate power law only emerges when we add all the species spectra together.
We will start the introduction into size spectra using text from Ken H Andersen’s book “Fish Ecology, Evolution, and Exploitation” (2019):
What is the abundance of organisms in the ocean as a function of body size? If you take a representative sample of all life in the ocean and organize it according to the logarithm of body size, a remarkable pattern appears: the total biomass of all species is almost the same in each size group. The sample of marine life does not have to be very large for the pattern to appear. … What is even more surprising is that the pattern extends beyond the microbial community sampled by plankton nets—it persists up to the largest fish, and even to large marine mammals.
This regular pattern is often referred to as the Sheldon spectrum in deference to R. W. Sheldon, who first described it in a ground-breaking series of publications. Sheldon had gotten hold of an early Coulter counter that quickly and efficiently measured the size of microscopic particles in water. Applying the Coulter counter to microbial life in samples of coastal sea water, he observed that the biomass was roughly independent of cell size among these small organisms (Sheldon and Parsons, 1967). And he saw the pattern repeated again and again when he applied the technique to samples from around the world’s oceans. Mulling over this result for a few years, he came up with a bold conjecture (Sheldon et al., 1972): the pattern exists not only among microbial aquatic life, but it also extends all the way from bacteria to whales.
You can read more about this work in the references below:
Sheldon, R. W., and T. R. Parsons (1967). “A Continuous Size Spectrum for Particulate Matter in the Sea.” Journal Fisheris Research Board of Canada 24(5): 909–915.
Sheldon, R.W., A. Prakash, andW. H. Sutcliffe (1972). “The Size Distribution of Particles in the Ocean.” Limnology and Oceanography 17(3): 327–340
Blanchard, J. L., Heneghan, R. F., Everett, J. D., Trebilco, R., & Richardson, A. J. (2017). From bacteria to whales: using functional size spectra to model marine ecosystems. Trends in ecology & evolution, 32(3), 174-186.
K.H. Andersen, N.S. Jacobsen and K.D. Farnsworth (2016): The theoretical foundations for size spectrum models of fish communities. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 73(4): 575-588.
K.H. Andersen (2019): Fish Ecology, Evolution, and Exploitation - a New Theoretical Synthesis. Princeton University Press.
And in many other references listed in the sizespectrum.org publications page.
Example code
These tutorials contain a lot of working R code, because learning R coding for mizer is best done by looking at example code. The content of these tutorials is also contained in the corresponding tutorial worksheet in this week’s worksheet repository. That makes it easy for you to re-run the code yourself. After a while we hope that you will start experimenting with making modifications to the code. This is further encouraged by the exercises that you will find dotted throughout the tutorials. The tutorial worksheets contain more information on how to work through those exercises and commit your work.
To analyse and plot the data we will be making use of the tidyverse package, in particular dplyr and ggplot2. If you are not familiar with these, you can learn what is needed just by studying the example code in this tutorial. Before we can use a package we need to load it in from the package library with the library()
When you hover over any function name in the R code in these tutorials, you will notice that they are links. If you click on them this will open the function’s help page in a new browser window. Thus you can always easily read more information about the functions we are using.
The data
So let’s see if we can find Sheldon’s pattern ourselves. First we load the data.
'data.frame': 925594 obs. of 3 variables:
$ species: chr "Cod" "Cod" "Cod" "Cod" ...
$ weight : num 52.77 56.37 6.14 5.66 5.89 ...
$ length : num 17.41 17.8 8.5 8.27 8.38 ...
The data consists of measurements of the length in centimetres of 925594 fish of various species. The species included are
[1] "Cod" "Whiting" "Haddock" "Saithe" "Herring" "Sandeel"
[7] "Nor. pout" "Plaice" "Sole"
This data was assembled by Ken Andersen at DTU Aqua in Copenhagen. The length
in centimetres was converted to weight
in grams using the standard allometric relationship
\mathrm{weight} = a\, \mathrm{length} ^ b,
where the coefficient a and the exponent b are species-specific parameters (we’ll discuss how to find such species parameters in a later tutorial).
The reason we like to work with weight as the measure of a fish’s size is that there are well-known allometric relationships between weight w and physiological rates. For example, metabolic rate is generally expected to scale as w^{3/4} and mortality to scale as w^{-1/4}, as we will be discussing in the section on allometric rates in the next tutorial.
To get an impression of the size distribution of the fish, we plot a histogram of the fish weights.
p <- ggplot(size_data) +
geom_histogram(aes(weight), fill = "blue", colour = "black") +
labs(x = "Weight [g]",
y = "Number of fish")
The plot is not very informative. It just tells us that most fish are very small but there is a small number of very large fish. We can not see much detail. We will apply three methods to improve the graph.
Logarithmic y axis
The first way to improve the plot is to plot the y-axis on a logarithmic scale. That has the effect of stretching out the small values and squashing the large values, revealing more detail.
p + scale_y_log10()
Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_bar()`).
Logarithmically sized bins
The second way to deal with the fact that there are so many more small fish than large fish, is to make the bin widths different. At the moment all bins are the same width, but we can make bin widths larger at larger sizes and smaller at smaller sizes. For example we could make the smallest bin go from 1 gram to 2 gram, the next bin to go from 2 gram to 4 gram, and so on, with each next bin twice the size of the previous. This means that for large fish bins will be very wide and a lot more individuals will fall into these bins. So let’s create the break points between these bins:
log_breaks <- seq(from = 0, to = 11, by = 1)
[1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
bin_breaks <- 2 ^ log_breaks
[1] 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048
Now we use these logarithmically-spaced bins in the histogram while also keeping the logarithmic y-axis:
p2 <- ggplot(size_data) +
geom_histogram(aes(weight), fill = "blue", colour = "black",
breaks = bin_breaks) +
labs(x = "Weight [g]",
y = "Number of fish") +
The heights are now slightly more even among the bins, because the largest bin is so wide.
It is very important that you break up your reading of the tutorials with some hands-on work that builds on what you have just learned. Therefore you will find exercises throughout the tutorials. You have now reached the first exercise. You will find that it can be accomplished using the R functions you have already learned about. Please do your work in the worksheet that accompanies this tutorial and that you will find in this week’s worksheet repository.
::: {.callout-important} If you have not yet created this week’s worksheet repository, you may want to the “Worksheets” section on the index page for this week where you find instructions.
You will find the worksheet for this tutorial in the file “worksheet1-observed-size-spectra.Rmd” in your worksheet repository for this week. In that worksheet you will find the following first exercise:
Logarithmic w axis
The third thing we can do to get a better-looking plot is to also display the weight axis on a logarithmic scale:
p2 + scale_x_log10()
Note how on the logarithmic axis the logarithmically-sized bins all have the same width.
Density in size
We noticed that the height of the bars changed as we changed how we bin the data. That is obvious. If we make a bin twice as large, we expect twice as many fish in that bin. We now want to get rid of this dependence on the choice of the bin width. We can do this if we divide the height of each bar by its width.
This idea is familiar to you in a different context. Assume you want to describe the spatial distribution of individuals. You would then divide your area into small squares and count the number of individuals in each of these squares. Then you divide the number of individuals in each square by the area of that square to obtain the average density of individuals in that square. That is a density in space. The only difference now is that instead of dividing space into squares we have divided the size axis into intervals (which we call bins) and to obtain the average density in size we divide the numbers by the lengths of the intervals.
In fact, thinking of the weight axis in a similar way to how you think about space will generally be helpful when thinking about size-spectrum modelling.
Because it is important to understand this concept of density in size, we will calculate the number density by hand below, even though ggplot has a built-in function geom_density()
that we could use instead. We first bin the data by hand, and then we calculate and plot the densities.
To understand better what the histogram did and to improve the plots further, we bin the data ourselves. We do this by first adding a bin number to each observation, which indicates in which bin the weight of the fish lies.
data_with_bins <- size_data |>
mutate(bin = cut(weight, breaks = bin_breaks, right = FALSE,
labels = FALSE))
We then group the data by bin and calculate the number of fish in each bin.
The numbers in each bin give us the heights of the bars in the histogram above.
Number density
The values for Number
of course depend on the size of the bins we have chosen. Wider bins will have more fish in them. We now divide these numbers by the bin widths to get the average number density in the bins.
binned_numbers <- binned_numbers |>
mutate(bin_start = bin_breaks[-length(bin_breaks)],
bin_end = bin_breaks[-1],
bin_width = bin_end - bin_start,
Number_density = Number / bin_width)
Let’s make a plot of the number density against weight. Note that we only calculated the average the number density within each bin. When we make our plot we want to plot this average value at the midpoint of the bin on the logarithmic axis. In between these values the plot then interpolates by straight lines to produce a continuous curve.
binned_numbers <- binned_numbers |>
mutate(bin_midpoint = exp((log(bin_start) + log(bin_end)) / 2))
p_number_density <- ggplot(binned_numbers) +
geom_line(aes(x = bin_midpoint, y = Number_density)) +
labs(x = "Weight [g]", y = "Number density [1/g]")
Again the graph tells us that most of the individuals are very small, but we can not see any of the details. We therefore plot the density on log-log axes:
p_number_density +
scale_x_log10() +
It is time for your second exercise of the course. Go back to your week 1 exercise project in RStudio, and do Exercise 2 in worksheet 1:
Fitting a power law
The number density in the above log-log plot is described approximately by a straight line. We can approximate the slope and intercept of that straight line by fitting a linear model
lm(formula = log(Number_density) ~ log(bin_midpoint), data = binned_numbers)
(Intercept) log(bin_midpoint)
14.563 -2.241
This tells us that the straight-line approximation has a slope of about -2.24. We can also ask ggplot to put this line into the plot, together with its 95% confidence interval:
ggplot(binned_numbers, aes(x = bin_midpoint, y = Number_density)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_log10(name = "Weight [g]") +
scale_y_log10(name = "Number density [1/g]") +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm')
If we denote the number density at weight w by N(w), then the above tells us that \log(N(w)) \approx 14.6 -2.24 \log(w).
If we exponentiate both sides to get rid of the logarithms this gives
N(w) \approx \exp(14.6) w^{-2.24} = N(1) w^{-\lambda}
with \lambda \approx 2.24.
The term lambda or \lambda is widely used in size spectrum terminology and it denotes the size spectrum slope. A steeper slope (larger \lambda value) means that there are relatively fewer large fish compared to small fish. A more shallow slope (smaller \lambda) indicates a relatively larger number of large fish. Now you know how these slopes are calculated.
Of course the approach we took above of estimating the exponent in the power law from the binned data is not ideal. If one has access to unbinned data, as we have here, one should always use that unbinned data. So the better way to estimate the slope or exponent from our data would be to ask: “If we view our set of observed fish sizes as a random sample from the population described by the power law, for which exponent would our observations be the most likely”. In other words, we should do a maximum likelihood estimation of the exponent. We’ll skip the mathematical details and just tell you the result that the maximum likelihood estimate for the power-law exponent \lambda is
\lambda = 1+\frac{n}{\sum_{i=1}^n\log\frac{w_i}{w_{min}}},
where n is the number of observed fish, w_i is the weight of the ith fish and w_{min} is the weight of the smallest fish. For our data this gives
n <- nrow(size_data)
w_min <- min(size_data$weight)
lambda <- 1 + n / sum(log(size_data$weight / w_min))
[1] 1.709584
You can see that this approach, which gives equal weight to each observation rather than giving equal weight to each bin, gives a lower value for \lambda, namely \lambda \approx 1.71 instead of \lambda \approx 2.24. This is quite a big difference. But this is still not the end of the story, because we did not take measurement error into account. We assumed that we sampled perfectly. But in reality, small individuals are much easier to miss than large ones, so our data is almost certainly under-reporting the number of small individuals, which leads to a smaller \lambda or more shallow size spectra. Also, in many ecosystems large fish have been removed by fishing, so we might also be missing them. This would lead to steeper slopes and larger \lambda. The removal of large individuals leads to steeper slopes and hence larger \lambda.
Biomass density
Above, we first calculated the number of fish in each weight bin and then divided by the width of each bin to obtain the average number density in each bin. Exactly analogously to that, we can calculate the biomass of all the fish in each weight bin and divide that by the width of each bin to obtain the average biomass density in each bin. So in the code below we will now sum weight and not numbers.
binned_biomass <- data_with_bins |>
group_by(bin) |>
summarise(Biomass = sum(weight)) |>
mutate(bin_start = bin_breaks[-length(bin_breaks)],
bin_end = bin_breaks[-1],
bin_width = bin_end - bin_start,
bin_midpoint = exp((log(bin_start) + log(bin_end)) / 2),
Biomass_density = Biomass / bin_width)
ggplot(binned_biomass, aes(x = bin_midpoint, y = Biomass_density)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_log10(name = "Weight [g]") +
scale_y_log10(name = "Biomass density") +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm')
`geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'
Fitting a linear model to the binned biomass density data now gives
lm(formula = log(Biomass_density) ~ log(bin_midpoint), data = binned_biomass)
(Intercept) log(bin_midpoint)
14.615 -1.265
Note that number density and biomass density have very different slopes, because even though there are lots of fish, each of them contributes little biomass while the fewer large fish each contribute a large biomass. The slope is -1.265 for the biomass density whereas it was -2.24 for the number density.
In formulas, if we denote the biomass density by B(w) then B(w) = w N(w). Therefore if the number density scales with the exponent \lambda as N(w) \propto w^{-\lambda} then the biomass density will scale as B(w)\propto w^{1-\lambda}.
Densities in log weight
So far we found evidence of decreasing biomass densities with size. Yet, the tutorial started with a reference to Sheldon’s observation about equal biomass across sizes. How is this consistent with what we found?
Above, we calculated densities by dividing the total number or total biomass in each bin by the width that the bin has on the linear weight (w) axis. Instead, we could divide by the width of the bin on the logarithmic weight axis.
If we divide the number of fish in each bin by the width of the size bin in log weight we get what we denote as the number density in log weight. Similarly if we divide the biomass in each bin by the width of the size bin on a logarithmic axis we get the biomass density in log weight, which is the Sheldon density.
Let us create a new data frame that contains all these densities:
We next create a plot that shows all these four densities together.
long_data <- binned_data |>
pivot_longer(cols = contains("density"),
names_to = "Type", values_to = "Density")
ggplot(long_data, aes(x = bin_midpoint, y = Density, colour = Type)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_log10(name = "Weight [g]") +
scale_y_log10(name = "Density") +
geom_smooth(method = 'lm', se = FALSE)
We see that the number density in log weight has the same slope as the biomass density. The biomass density in log weight has the smallest slope.
The different densities have different units. One should be explicit about units when plotting quantities with different units on the same axis because the height (but not the slope) of the curves depends on the units chosen. The units of the densities we plotted are determined by two factors: 1) Biomass is measured in grams whereas Numbers are dimensionless and 2) bin widths are measured in grams whereas bin widths in log weight are dimensionless. The densities, obtained by dividing either Biomass or Numbers by either bin widths or bin widths in log weight, have the following units:
- N(w) has unit 1/grams,
- B(w) and N_{\log w}(w) are dimensionless,
- B_{\log w}(w) has unit grams.
Sheldon’s observation
All the four density curves are alternative ways of representing the size spectrum. We introduce the notation N_{\log w}(w) for the number density in log weight and B_{\log w}(w) for the biomass density in log weight (Sheldon’s density). We have the following relations among the various densities:
B_{\log w}(w) = w\, B(w) \propto w\, N_{\log}(w) = w^2 N(w).
So Sheldon’s observation that B_{\log w}(w) is approximately constant over a large range of sizes w from bacteria to whales can also be stated in terms of the other densities:
Size spectra of individual species
So far we have looked at the community spectrum, where we ignored the species identity of the fish. We will now look at the spectra of the individual species. We’ll plot them all on the same graph and display them with plotly so that you can hover over the resulting graph to see which line corresponds to which species. We also include the community size spectrum in black for comparison. The lines look smoother than earlier because now we use kernel density estimation rather than binning to estimate the densities.
p <- ggplot(size_data) +
geom_density(aes(weight, stat(count), colour = species), adjust = 4) +
geom_density(aes(weight, stat(count)), colour = "black", lwd = 1.2, adjust = 4) +
scale_x_continuous(trans = "log10", name = "Weight [g]") +
scale_y_continuous(trans = "log10", limits = c(1, NA), name = "Number density in log w")
There are three messages you should take away from this plot:
- Different species have very different size spectra.
- The estimates of the species size spectra are not very reliable because we do not have very good data.
- The community size spectrum looks more regular than the species size spectra.
We will discuss species size spectra more in the next tutorial, where we will look at them with the help of the mizer model.
Summary and recap
1) It is very useful to know how many organisms of different sizes there are. This is what size spectra show.
2) We can represent size spectra in different ways. One is to bin the data and plot histograms. The drawback is that the height of the bars in a histogram depend on our choice of bins. A bin from 1 to 2g will have fewer individuals than a bin from 1 to 10g.
3) To avoid the dependence on bin sizes, we use densities, where the total number of individuals or the total biomass of individuals in each bin are divided by the width of the bin. We refer to these as the number density or the biomass density respectively.
3) The number density looks very different from the biomass density. There will be a lot of very small individuals, so the number density at small sizes will be large, but each individual weighs little, so their total biomass will not be large.
5) Community size spectra are approximately power laws. When displayed on log-log axes, they look like straight lines. The slope of the number density is approximately -2, the slope of the biomass density is approximately -1.
6) When we work with a logarithmic weight axis, then it is natural to use densities in log weight, where the numbers of individuals in each bin are divided by the width of the bin on the log axis. We refer to these as the number density in log weight or the biomass density in log weight respectively. The slope of the number density in log weight is approximately -1 and the slope of the biomass density in log weight is approximately 0, i.e., the biomass density in log weight is approximately constant. The latter is called the Sheldon spectrum.
7) Unlike the community spectrum, the individual species size spectra are not approximately power laws and thus do not look like straight lines on log-log axes. The approximate power law only emerges when we add all the species spectra together.